Thursday, 26 April 2012

Ex-students and current FD Photo students exhibition in Eccles

Recent graduates and current students on the Foundation Degree in Photography course are having an exhibition at Eccles Community Art Gallery. Please find full details below.

An exhibition of recent work on the theme of personal identity by the Shroom Photography Collective.

This will be an interactive exhibition: patrons will be invited to be photographed in the gallery and their picture will become part of the exhibition, creating a dynamic experience.

The gallery is open on Saturdays from 10-4 until the 12th May. Come along and support art in the community.

Niki Carlin, from the series Les, 72, 2012

Rick Danks, 2012

Bekky Lonsdale, 2012

Casey Carlin, 2012

All images © Shroom 

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Wet Plate Collodion Workshop at John Brewer's Studio

Photography Foundation Degree student Mark Roland was on work experience at John Brewer's workshop/studio in Manchester. John Brewer is a photographer specialised in historic photographic processes, particularly wetplate collodion, cyanotype, platinum/palladium and gum bichromate. These are some of the images produced during the weekend workshop.

John Brewer, Wet Plate Collodion, 2012

John Brewer, Wet Plate Collodion, 2012

Mark Roland, Wet Plate Collodion, 2012

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Exhibitions - Roger Ballen at Manchester Art Gallery

I visited the Roger Ballen exhibition at Manchester Art Gallery and highly recommend it. Roger Ballen was born in New York but has lived and worked in South Africa for over 30 years. He recently collaborated with rap-rave crew Die Antwoord with the making of their music video I Fink U Freeky which I think is beautifully shot.

Shadow Land: Photographs by Roger Ballen 1983-2011 ends Sunday 13th May. 
Free entry.